Try One of These 55 Best Sex Positions Tonight

Mar 1, 2025 - 04:30
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Try One of These 55 Best Sex Positions Tonight

If you're beginning to crave novelty in your sex life, one of the easiest ways to make things feel "new" again is to familiarize yourself with the best sex positions. In addition to the widest-known positions like missionary, doggy style, and cowgirl, there's a huge list of sexual positions that not only offer fun variations on the classics, but are just as pleasurable and orgasmic — and maybe even a bit more exciting.

Don't let the names of these sex positions intimidate you — yes, some different sexual positions require lots of stamina and flexibility, but that's not the case across the board. While we love a good lazy sex position like the internet-favorite prone bone, the trickier options can always be modified until you find a version that's more comfortable and satisfying for you and your partner(s). And if you're in a rush, you can abbreviate some of them to enjoy during a quickie.

In fact, the best sex (and with it, the best sex positions) is tailored to the needs of the individuals involved. Sex positions can be enjoyed and adapted to suit anyone you're spending your Saturday nights with, regardless of ability, strength, or genitalia. There are plenty of sex positions on this list that work for penis-in-vagina penetration, but also lots that can be enjoyed anally, by two vaginas, or many other arrangements you may be working with. There are options for sitting, standing, lying down, in the car, in the shower, on the table, and pretty much anywhere you can imagine. Basically, nothing is off limits when it comes to great, exciting sex.

The Best Sex Positions

1. Missionary Sex Position

In this standard sex position, one partner lies flat on their back while the other partner lies over them to enter them. Though it's typically seen as the most "vanilla" of sex positions, it's an intimate one where you and your partner can see each other and make eye contact while having sex.

2. Amazon Sex Position

In this position, the bottom partner lies on their back and raises their legs bent and open (think: like Happy Baby in yoga). Then, the top partner straddles their partner's legs and hovers over their groin in a squat-like position. This way, the person on top is in between the bottom partner's legs, grinding on their partner's genitalia.

3. Cowgirl Sex Position

The cowgirl sex position has one partner lying face-up while the other partner climbs on top, usually kneeling and straddling the bottom partner's hips — riding them like, yep, a cowgirl.

4. Car Sex Position

A car sex position can truly be whatever you want it to be — but one of the most popular car-sex positions is for one partner to sit upright in the seat with the other partner on top, facing each other. It's basically a standard cowgirl sex position, except the partner on the bottom is sitting up in the comfort of their Prius.

5. Lotus Sex Position (or Yam-Yum Sex Position)

In this position, one partner sits upright with their legs crossed (criss-cross applesauce style), and the other partner sits facing their partner on their lap with their legs wrapped around their partner's back. It brings both partners super close together for maximum intimacy.

6. Corkscrew Sex Position

This is a missionary variation, but with a twist. The bottom partner lies on their back, but twists their legs over to one side in a fetal position. Then, the top partner kneels and enters them as they normally would in missionary.

7. Eiffel-Tower Sex Position

This position takes at least three people and can be done standing or kneeling. One partner bends over (to form the middle of the Eiffel Tower) and gives oral sex to a person in front of them, while another person enters the bent-over person from behind.

8. Coital Alignment Technique (CAT Sex Position)

Similar to the missionary sex position, one partner lies on their back while the other partner lies over them, entering them from above. The difference? The person on top scoots higher up on their partner's body to add more satisfying pressure and clitoral stimulation.

9. Piledriver Sex Position

It takes some flexibility and skill to master this position, so don't rush into it or you could risk hurting yourself. The person on the bottom throws their legs over their head so that all of their weight is resting on their neck and shoulders, similar to Plow Pose in yoga. Then, the other person penetrates them from above like a jackhammer or piledriver.

10. Doggy-Style Sex Position

This popular position involves one partner on their hands and knees, while the other partner enters them from behind. This allows the partner on top to use their hands easily for either leverage or stimulation.

11. Butterfly Sex Position

In this position, one person lies on their back on a bed or surface with their legs hanging all the way off so the other person can penetrate them from the edge of the bed while standing. The bottom partner can leave their legs hanging, lift them up and open them to the side, or even extend them toward the ceiling and rest their legs on their partner's shoulders.

12. Reverse Cowgirl Sex Position

The reverse cowgirl sex position is the same as the standard cowgirl, except whoever on top turns around to face their partner's feet. (Hence the "reverse" part.)

13. Full Nelson Sex Position

This is a difficult position that requires some communication and skill. Start in reverse cowgirl and then have the person on top lean back and pull their legs back (picture it as doing a cannonball into the water). The person on the bottom then wraps their arms around their partner's legs and penetrates with deep, upward hip movements.

14. Face-Off Sex Position

If you want to be really close together, try this position. The bottom partner sits at the edge of the bed or on a chair, while the other partner straddles them, sitting on their lap, so they're face-to-face.

15. Helicopter Sex Position

Another difficult position, this one requires the person on the bottom to be on their hands and knees. The person on top, who will do the penetrating, needs to get into a plank position facing the opposite way as their partner. Then, the person on top brings their legs over their partner's back, and, while using arm and pelvis strength, the top person can penetrate their partner while their legs remain in the air. (Because it may be hard to visualize, here's a graphic for extra help.)

16. The Mirror Millionaire

We love a prop! Position a full-length mirror so that you can both watch as one partner enters from behind in any sort of doggy variation.

17. Flatiron Sex Position

In this position, one person lies flat on their stomach while the other partner lies on top of them and enters them from behind while remaining propped up on their hands or elbows.

18. Eagle Sex Position

In this position, the bottom partner lies flat on their back and puts their legs in the air in a spread V. The other person enters them while holding on to their legs.

19. Pretzel-Dip Sex Position

This position is like a variation on scissoring. One partner lies on their side with one leg slightly raised. The other partner kneels straddling the bottom leg, scooting close enough that they can enter or grind against their partner.

20. Spooning Sex Position

Lie side by side in a spooning position, facing the same way, and have your partner enter (or insert a toy) from behind, or reach around for manual stimulation.

21. Anvil Sex Position

This one starts like missionary, but the person on the bottom puts their legs up over their partner's shoulders.

22. Valedictorian Sex Position

When your partner says "sit on my face," this is the position they mean. This oral-sex position finds one partner flat on their back while the other lies or kneels over their head with their genitals in their face. The top partner can face toward their partner's head or feet. This allows the person on the bottom to pleasure the person on top.

23. Kneeling Spoon

This position is a riff on the spooning sex position but, yep, you're kneeling instead of lying down. Both partners should kneel, one in front of the other, with the receiving partner in the front. While in this position, the penetrating partner can reach around to caress the partner in the front.

24. Rockin' Rollercoaster Sex Position

One partner lies on their back with their hips at the edge of the bed and their knees bent and curled toward their chest, like a ball. The other person stands at the edge of the bed. The partner lying down rests their feet on their partner's chest, while the standing partner grabs the bottom partner's ankles and enters them.

25. G-Whiz Sex Position

For this position, one partner lies on their back with their legs in the air. The other partner scoots their knees under the butt of the person on the bottom so their hips are slightly elevated. It's a variation of missionary that is definitely worth the hype.

26. Speed-Bump Sex Position

Lie on your stomach with a pillow or two under your pelvis, and let your partner penetrate you from behind while they're propped up on their hands or elbows. This angle is everything.

27. Spork Sex Position

For this position, the partner on the receiving end lies on their back with their legs lifted up and open, bent in a "W" shape. The other person lies perpendicular to them, on their side, to penetrate their partner. (Here's a visual for reference.)

28. Starfish Sex Position

Start in missionary position for this one. The person on the top should then spread their legs wide like a starfish while penetrating the person on the bottom who keeps their legs closed tight.

29. Kinky Explorer Sex Position

The penetrating partner sits with their chest up and legs extended in front of them. The other partner sits on their lap, facing their partner, and leans back (supporting their weight with their arms) to put their legs on the bottom partner's shoulders.

30. Table-Top Sex Position

One person sits on the edge of the table while the other partner stands and penetrates them. Simple!

31. Triceratops Sex Position

In this standing position, the person on the receiving end bends forward at a 90-degree angle while their partner penetrates them from behind. The person behind also holds on to their partner's hands to keep them in place.

32. Frog Sex Position

In this position, the receiving partner gets into the Frog yoga position, lying on their stomach with their knees bent wide out to the sides. The penetrating partner kneels behind them and can hold on to their partner's hips for stability and leverage.

33. Superman Sex Position

This sex position isn't for the faint of heart. While both partners are standing in a spooning position, one person enters the other from behind before completely lifting them off the ground to fully support their weight.

34. Crab Sex Position

Have the receiving partner start in a crab walk or reverse-plank position, with their weight in their hands and feet and hips lifted, facing up toward the ceiling. The other partner can then hold on to their hips while kneeling to penetrate them.

35. Leapfrog Sex Position

Get into position like you're doing doggy style, but have the bottom partner lower their chest down to the bed. This thrusts their backside up into the air so the other partner has more to hold on to, and penetration happens at a different angle.

36. 69 Sex Position

This popular oral-sex position finds the partners in the shape of a 6 and a 9, with the loops in the numbers representing each partner's head. While one person lies flat on their back, the other partner lays on top of them, facing down, with their head toward the other person's feet. This way, each partner's mouth should connects at the other's groin for simultaneous oral pleasure.

37. Magic Mountain Sex Position

You know how dogs hump each other? This is sort of similar. The person on the bottom should get onto their hands and knees (like in doggy style), while the penetrating partner also gets into tabletop pose over their partner. (This one depends a lot on you and your partner's anatomy; you may need to play with hand and knee placement with this one to get it to work.)

38. Cross-Booty Sex Position

This one starts as missionary with one person lying flat on their back and the other partner lying on top of them. Then, then the person on top turns slightly so that the two bodies form an X shape.

39. Cowboy Sex Position

This one is like cowgirl, but the receiving partner is on the bottom, with their legs closed. The other partner is on top, kneeling over the the bottom partner's hips and penetrating them from above.

40. Bridge Sex Position

The receiving partner starts in the Bridge yoga position, lying on their back with their feet planted and hips lifted into the air. The giving partner kneels in front of their hips to enter them and assists in holding them up.

41. The Royal-F*ck Sex Position

Both partners sit on the bed facing each other. Each partner puts their right leg over the other's left, and both partners scoot closer together until their genitals meet. You can do this sitting, or both lean back and lie down. (It requires a decent amount of flexibility, so be sure to stretch!)

42. Sphinx Sex Position

This one is also similar to doggy style. The person on the bottom starts on their hands and knees but adjusts their legs so they're closer together, and lowers down onto their forearms. The other partner kneels and enters them from behind.

43. Dragon Sex Position

One person lies on their stomach with a pillow under their pelvis. The other person climbs on top and lies over the bottom partner in the same position, completely covering their body. This position is less about thrusting and more about smaller movements and skin-on-skin contact.

44. Reverse-Scoop Sex Position

This is an easy position for lazy sex. You start in missionary, and then slowly turn over so you're both lying on your sides.

45. Golden-Arch Sex Position

For this, both partners sit facing each other with their legs extended, leaning back with their weight resting on their hands. The partner on the receiving end puts their legs over the shoulders of their partner while that partner penetrates them, creating a sort of "M" shape.

46. Tantric-Tango Sex Position

This position has both parties standing up. The receiving partner raises one leg, wraps it around their partner's hip, and pulls them in.

47. Snow-Angel Sex Position

For this position, have one person lie flat on their back. Then, the penetrating partner will get on top of them with their head toward the other's feet. The person on the bottom wraps their legs around the person on top, who looks like they're making a face-down snow angel.

48. Snake Sex Position

Think of this position as 69 but standing up. It'll require some strength, but it's a fun one. The standing partner has to hold the other person upside down while each gives the other oral sex.

49. Seated Rear-Entry Sex Position

This one works well in the car but can be done just as easily at home. One person sits in a seat while the other person sits on their lap facing away. It's basically reverse cowgirl, but in the car.

50. Wheelbarrow Sex Position

One partner starts in a plank position, and the other partner stands, lifting their partner's legs up, like a wheelbarrow, but the standing partner standing penetrates the other partner.

51. Layer-Cake Sex Position

Start in the cowgirl position, but instead of sitting up, the person on top should lie flat on their partner's stomach and have slow, grinding sex.

52. Tilt-a-Whirl Sex Position

One partner sits on the edge of the bed, and the person on top sits on their lap so they're face-to-face. The person on top leans back while holding on to their partner's hands or arms, while the person on the bottom uses their hips to penetrate.

53. Hang Ten

This one is quite easy, especially if the two of you are the appropriate height. While you both stand, one partner enters the other from behind. The front partner can place their hands on a wall, table, back of a couch, etc. for balance.

54. Tominagi Sex Position

One person lies on their back and pulls their knees toward their chest. The other person kneels in front of their partner's hips and penetrates them, while the bottom partner rests their feet on the kneeling partner's chest.

55. Thigh-Master Sex Position

Have one person lie flat on their back with one extended long and one leg bent out to the side. Then, the other partner can lower themselves on top at an angle in a missionary-like sex position.

— Additional reporting by Taylor Andrews

Hedy Phillips is a PS contributor.

Taylor Andrews (she/her) is the balance editor at PS, specializing in topics relating to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, travel, and more. With seven years of editorial experience, Taylor has a strong background in content creation and storytelling. Prior to joining PS in 2021, she worked at Cosmopolitan.

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