We're Not Here to Fart Shame — So, We Asked Docs Why You're So Gassy

Feb 27, 2025 - 05:30
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We're Not Here to Fart Shame — So, We Asked Docs Why You're So Gassy

Farting is a totally normal bodily function. But at a certain point, it exceeds the point of "mildly embarrassing" and starts encroaching on "what the hell is going on here" territory. Like it or not, excess gas has to be released. But at what point does your flatulence become excessive? And if you do notice yourself bloating and passing gas more often than usual, what might be causing the sudden change?

If you can't seem to stop farting, you're likely looking for a quick solution. The good news is that excessive gas is extremely common, says gastroenterologist Aja McCutchen, MD. "This is one of the most common issues I see in patients, and it affects a wide range of people across different demographics."

Whether it's health-related or triggered by a specific food (looking at you, broccoli), it's worth investigating why you have so much gas in the first place. That way, you can properly address unpleasant digestive symptoms and avoid any awkward scenarios your gas could potentially cause. Ahead, an expert explains why you might be farting so much, plus what you can do to stop.

Experts Featured in This Article:

Aja McCutchen, is a gastroenterologist at Atlanta Gastroenterology Associates and advisor to ModifyHealth.

Why Do You Fart So Much?

Excessive farting is quite common, but it can still be embarrassing (and even downright concerning at times). Here are a few common causes for excess gas, according to Dr. McCutchen. As a reminder, always consult with a healthcare professional for the best personalized medical advice, especially if your symptoms are causing you significant distress.

  1. You're eating trigger foods: High-fiber foods like beans, cabbage, broccoli, apples, and pears, as well as onions, garlic, fried foods, and processed foods, are known to cause gas, per the Mayo Clinic. But gluten, dairy products, and in many cases, sugar, could also be the culprit. The only way to know for sure is to eliminate these foods from your diet one at a time. Dr. McCutchen suggests taking notes in a food diary, and hopefully one will reveal itself as the gaseous villain. Consult with your doctor before making any major changes to your diet to ensure you're still getting all the nutrients you need.
  2. You're constipated: Studies show that if you're not pooping regularly, you may experience more bloating and gas. In this case, eating more fiber-rich foods could be the answer, although as mentioned above, these foods can also cause flatulence. UCSF Health recommends aiming for 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day. Exercising can also help prevent constipation and get things moving again.
  3. You're drinking the wrong bevs: Sugary juices, soda alternatives, bubbly beverages, and alcoholic drinks could also be responsible for all that gas. Try swapping them out for more water to see how your body responds. You don't have to go overboard and drink a gallon of water a day, but aim for at least eight glasses a day. Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times and add fruit slices to make it more exciting.
  4. Your gut's having issues: Altered intestinal bacteria or flora is an extremely common cause of gas, Dr. McCutchen says. Your lower intestinal tract is home to microbes that help you digest food, fight harmful bacteria, and regulate your immune system, and if you have an imbalance, you may suffer from diarrhea, stomach pains, and gas. You don't want to eliminate all the bacterium in your gut, though. You just want to limit the bad guys and encourage the good guys to grow. Research suggests an easy way to do that is by taking a daily probiotic (but be sure to run it by your doctor first).
  5. You're stressed out: Your mental health can take a toll on your physical health. In fact, research from Harvard Medical School shows that if you're nervous, upset, worried, or unhappy, this may manifest on a physical level in the form of digestive issues. To help offset this, prioritize self-care and spend time doing what makes you feel energized and happy.
  6. There's an underlying medical issue: If you've considered everything else, there may be a deeper issue that needs medical attention, says Dr. McCutchen. You may want to get tested for food allergies, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or other autoimmune conditions. On a more general level, testing can also give you the data you need to improve your digestion and keep your gas to a minimum.

Why Do You Fart So Much at Night?

Aside from the common triggers listed above, excessive farting at night is especially common after eating or drinking close to bedtime, Dr. McCutchen says. To help combat this, avoid late-night snacking and try monitoring your food intake to make note of patterns, she advises. For example, if you continually notice excessive gas after a sugary bedtime treat, avoid these foods a few hours before you go to sleep to minimize symptoms.

How to Stop Farting

Keeping a food journal and symptom diary may help identify a culprit, Dr. McCutchen says. If you notice a certain food or drink makes you extra gassy, try eliminating it from your diet or reducing your intake. In particular, avoid those gas-inducing foods such as beans, cabbage, broccoli, onions, fried foods, and dairy products. Also scale back on carbonated drinks like soda, beer, or seltzer.

Another tip is to eat slower to reduce the amount of air you're swallowing. It's impossible to completely avoid swallowing air, but being more mindful as you chew can help eliminate extra air (which may trigger gas). In the same vein, pass on gum and hard candy, as these also increase the amount of swallowed air. Avoiding constipation can also help you fart less, so focus on daily movement, adequate hydration, and fiber-rich foods to eliminate a backup.

With this in mind, if you experience any alarming symptoms along with your gas, such as abdominal pain, sudden weight loss, bleeding, vomiting, or fever, contact your doctor and seek medical care immediately, Dr. McCutchen says.

— Additional reporting by Andi Breitowich and Chandler Plante

Andi Breitowich is a Chicago-based freelance writer and graduate from Emory University and Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Her work has appeared in PS, Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.

Jenny Sugar is a former PS staff writer. She reports on all things fitness, but especially loves CrossFit and yoga.

Chandler Plante (she/her) is an assistant health and fitness editor for PS. She has over four years of professional journalism experience, previously working as an editorial assistant for People magazine and contributing to Ladygunn, Millie, and Bustle Digital Group.

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