How to cure and stop plagues in Civilization 7 (Civ 7)

Feb 13, 2025 - 15:30
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How to cure and stop plagues in Civilization 7 (Civ 7)

As you go through the ages in Civilization 7, there will be plenty of new challenges arising, and combatting plagues can be a difficult ask.

Plagues are mostly triggered during the Exploration Age when you start to access new regions. Some of your ships can accidentally bring back diseases and spread through your settlements. If left unchecked, the plagues will cause a lot of chaos and burn down your citizens’ happiness before finishing them off.

Thankfully, it’s easy to stop and cure a plague if you know which steps to take.

How to detect a plague in Civilization 7

It’s very easy to spot a plague in your settlement, as there will be green clouds of smoke engulfing all the buildings. When you click on the settlement, it shows being in a state of unrest. Till you cure the disease, the settlement will be completely unproductive.

Sadly, plagues don’t go away automatically, and instead they can spread. When it’s active, a plague can attack your units, including Commanders, and eliminate them. While it’s mostly seen during the Exploration Age, you should always be careful. The moment you see the green clouds of doom, make sure to take the proper steps.

How to stop and cure a plague in Civilization 7

Interestingly, the method of curing a plague seems to be somewhat similar to what happened in the medieval ages. You’ll have to send a Physician to your affected settlement, and yes, they look like witch doctors. You can buy a Physician from the town or produce the unit in a city.

Once you have a Physician, send it to a settlement with an active plague. Then, open the unit options to cure the settlement. Then, just wait for the Physician to do its job, and your settlement will be cured of the plague. However, there’s still work left after a plague has been cured. You’ll also have to increase the happiness of your citizens to restore their productivity.

  • Constructing buildings like temples and inns helps to restore happiness.
  • Certain resources like horses will also help you boost the happiness of your settlement.
  • If the plague has eliminated any military unit, make sure to restore them once the plague is over.

If you want to trigger a victory condition in Civilization 7, make sure to focus properly on situations like a plague to prevent long-term damage.

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