What Happened To Laura Haddock’s Max In The Recruit Season 2

Jan 31, 2025 - 00:00
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What Happened To Laura Haddock’s Max In The Recruit Season 2

Laura Haddock's Maxine "Max" Meladze does not appear in The Recruit season 2 after the unforgettable cliffhanger ending in The Recruit season 1 finale. Following a remarkable turn of events during the final moments of season 1, The Recruit season 2 picks up exactly where season 1 left off with Nichka and Owen. Nichka, who is revealed to be Max's daughter, Karolina, at the end of The Recruit season 1, threatens to kill Owen. Owen protects himself with threats about the consequences of killing a member of the CIA. Still, Nichka proves to be ruthless, attacking Owen before Dawn saves his life.

Max was one of the most intriguing and entertaining characters in The Recruit season 1. Her lead character took on many roles throughout the first season of the hit Netflix action spy show, from a fierce CIA asset-turned-enemy to Owen's unexpected romantic interest. While Max consistently carried an element of mystery and suspicion, she was emotionally accessible enough to make her a compelling, even likable, character. Haddock's missing Max, who had nearly just as big of an impact as Noah Centineo's Owen in The Recruit season 2, certainly leaves a notable absence, one that the show arguably doesn't fill in.

Max Meladze Was Killed By Her Daughter In The Recruit Season 1’s Finale

Nichka, AKA Karolina, Killed Her Mother Without Hesitation

Max's daughter Karolina in Netflix's The Recruit season 1 ending.

The Recruit season 1 finale concluded with Max reuniting with her daughter, Karolina, who she thought was dead. Max is stunned to see Karolina in the flesh, unaware that she is the same person as Nichka, the Russian mafia enforcer who tried to convince the Council to kill Max for quite some time. Max appears genuinely happy and even relieved to see Karolina in front of her, calling her "My angel" in Russian. Without hesitating, Karolina shoots her mother in the chest. Max appeared to die instantly. The Recruit season 2 confirms that Nichka truly did fire a fatal shot.

Since Max was imprisoned and awaiting trial in the U.S., Nichka likely assumed that Max was already compromised.

While there is not much backstory about Nichka and Max in both seasons of The Recruit, it's evident that Nichka was not on good terms with Max. There's an obvious conflict between Max being a CIA asset and Nichka being a Russian mafia enforcer, which suggests a key nationalistic and/or ideological difference. However, Owen appears to tell Nichka that her mom was a CIA asset at the beginning of season 2, suggesting that Nichka didn't know before pulling the trigger. Since Max was imprisoned and awaiting trial in the U.S., Nichka likely assumed that Max was already compromised.

Is Max Really Dead In The Recruit Season 2?

The Season 1 Cliffhanger Is Finally Resolved

Owen (Noah Centineo) and Max (Laura Haddock) in The Recruit in front of a window

Max's death was one of the biggest questions that The Recruit season 2 needed to answer. While there was speculation that Laura Haddock's Max would return and survive Nichka's gunshot, potentially reemerging at the end of The Recruit season 2, there was no secret twist, which means Max's character is truly dead. Owen quickly moves on after witnessing Max's death without demonstrating much sorrow, suggesting to Lester that Nichka could essentially take Max's place as a Russian CIA asset. The Recruit season 2 doesn't reveal what happened to Max's body and the characters hardly ever talk about her throughout the season.

Max's CIA secrets are never revealed in The Recruit season 2.

After Max's death, Nichka unwillingly becomes a CIA asset, collecting a series of payments in exchange for intel on Nan Hee, Jang Kyun's missing wife. Nichka proves to be resourceful yet eerily deceptive, possessing much more of a cold-blooded quality than Max carried in season 1. After traveling to South Korea, Owen moves on from Max rather quickly after reconnecting with a childhood friend, Yoo Jin Lee, and not getting back together with Hannah. While Max and Owen didn't have anything too serious, the memory of Max's character in The Recruit season 2 is swept under the rug quite rapidly.

How The Recruit Season 2 Replaces Max’s Role On The Show

3 Key Characters Take On Parts Of Max's Season 1 Role

Max is replicated in various forms and characters throughout The Recruit season 2. Nichka adds a similar sleek and dangerous allure to the cast of The Recruit season 2 while also becoming a Russian asset like her mother. A new CIA asset, Teo Yoo's Jang Kyun, emerges as a graymailer and makes the same threats against the CIA that Max did in the first season, demanding their resources and assistance. Finally, Owen's romantic subplot with Max is replaced by Yoo Jin Lee. Like Max, Yoo Jin ends up playing a key role in The Recruit season 2 finale.

The Recruit release poster
The Recruit

Release Date December 16, 2022

Network Netflix

Directors Doug Liman

Writers Alexi Hawley, George Ghanem, Amelia Roper, Hadi Deeb, Niceole R. Levy, Maya Goldsmith

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