Today's Connections Hints & Answers For February 06, 2025 (Puzzle #606)

If you are feeling faint from trying to solve today’s Connections puzzle, you can get the nutrition you need from a few clues from us. There are a lot of potential problems in this one, and there was one word in particular that likely cost me the puzzle. To avoid the mistakes that I made, I have hints, category names, and spoilers to help you get through to the end of the puzzle without failing.
If you want something other than a Connections puzzle today, the NYT’s Spelling Bee game is a fun one to try out. I like to play it on days when my brain is racing, but I don’t have something to calm it down a little. This is because you have to construct words from a group of letters, and you have to think of as many as you can. It is a nice way to wind down and test your knowledge of the dictionary at the same time.
Today's Connections Category Hints
FEBRUARY 06 #606

This puzzle was difficult, but it felt like it was because of one word in particular. Yesterday, it was a multitude of words that all felt like they were related to the same concept that messed me up. Today, it seemed like the exact opposite. There are clues that you can use to get around that, and if you know a particular subject better than I do, you will likely be much better off. Ironically, it was not due to sports that I messed up today.
- One category is about a condition that might make it harder to do difficult things
- One category is about an attitude
- One category is about four things that all share a similar physical trait
- One category is about four words that all are referencing a specific set of people in an industry

Wordle History: Archive Of All Past Words Used
Wordle is a simple daily word game that has taken the internet by storm. With only 6 chances to get the right answer, players may need a little help.
If that is not enough for you, there are more clues waiting for you. The category names will give you a big nudge, while the spoilers are there for emergencies.
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Today's Connections Answers
FEBRUARY 06 #606

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

This category is where I got stuck. I had already solved a different category, and I was struggling to get the right four words. It is DIZZY that ruined my puzzle. There was no world in which I was going to trade out DIZZY for SOFT or MILD without the context of the category name, which ended up being my downfall. I also kept getting one away, and it made more sense to my brain that one of those other two words would be wrong and not DIZZY, due to its connection to FAINT and LIGHT.
Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

This is the category I got and was able to solve without much of an issue. There were still some hiccups here, as GRAND and GREAT could have been grouped with COUNT and DUKE to make a category of titles given to people. I might have guessed that first, but after that I gave up on titles and looked for something else. I was then able to match up the adjectives, and these are still titles in a way, but more descriptive rather than by position.

12 Letter Boxed Strategies To Win Quickly
The Letter Boxed game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to connect letters to form words while using various strategies to win quickly.
Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

I never got to this category and I had no idea what to do with these words. I looked for things with spots because of GIRAFFE, and I even looked up most of these four words to see if they had another meaning. GIRAFFE doesn’t really have many other meanings, apparently, and I had no idea what to do with it. Unfortunately, I never figured it out, but I might have ended up grouping these words just because they seemed completely unrelated. That can be a good clue that they might belong together.
Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

I once owned a Jazz CD I listened to over and over that my mom brought home from a local festival when I was little. But my knowledge is not extensive and is relatively confined to that single CD and the more classic artists. I don’t know many of the first names, and without knowing that context, I don’t think I would have put CAB or DIZZY in this category. It didn’t help that DIZZY went so easily with the other words and felt like a better match than the others.
Other Games Like Connections
If you still want to play more games, try out one of the ones in the box below.
Wordle (NYT) |
Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list. |
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Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints. |
Yes |
Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide. |
Yes |
Try to solve a game of Wordle without any help. With each guess, the game reveals as little information as possible, even changing the word if need be. |
Yes |

Released June 12, 2023
Developer(s) The New York Times Company
Publisher(s) The New York Times Company
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