Star Wars Is Making It Clearer Than Ever: Kylo Ren Knows Nothing About Darth Vader

Warning: Spoilers for Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1Throughout the Star Wars sequel trilogy, Kylo Ren has an obsession with following in the footsteps of his grandfather - Darth Vader. Kylo Ren makes it his mission to “let the past die,” which is a belief contradicting how Darth Vader - and Anakin Skywalker - lived, showing that Kylo Ren truly knows nothing about his grandfather.
In Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 by Charles Soule and Luke Ross, the issue makes it clear from the first panel that Kylo Ren couldn’t be more different than the man he idolizes.

The new series from Marvel Comics' Star Wars line focuses on Kylo Ren walking in Darth Vader’s footsteps, trying to learn about Vader’s past. However, if Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 is any indication, Kylo Ren and his inability to see past his own inner turmoil will lead him nowhere.
Kylo Ren and Darth Vader Couldn't Be More Different, And a New Comic Proves It
Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 by Charles Soule, Luke Ross, Nolan Woodard, and Joe Caramagna
From the get-go, Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 shows a stark difference between Kylo Ren and Darth Vader in the way Kylo Ren addresses his army. Kylo Ren refuses to let anyone introduce him to the army awaiting his words, and instead makes the moment solely about himself, his power, and the bold face lies he uses to further his agenda. He is, in essence, unstable and volatile. This instability is echoed later in the issue when Kylo Ren lets his rage fuel his actions, making him unpredictable and dangerous.
Darth Vader, for all his crimes and the suffering he inflicted on innocents, knew how to present himself as a leader.
Darth Vader, for all his crimes and the suffering he inflicted on innocents, knew how to present himself as a leader. Vader’s addresses to his battalions of troopers always had a sense of ceremony to them, more like a political leader than an angry child throwing a fit. Darth Vader also held all of Anakin Skywalker’s past - including acute strategic skills from his days as one of the most respected Generals during the Clone Wars. Though Vader claims multiple times that Anakin Skywalker is dead, the General with a sense of how to stand on ceremony still exists.
Darth Vader Never Let Go of His Past, and Kylo Ren Wants to Forget His
The Stark Difference Between Grandfather and Grandson

Kylo Ren repeatedly insists on pushing his past aside and eliminating it, a point that Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 illustrates boldly with a sequence of Kylo Ren conjuring images of his family members in his mind and denouncing them all, all while struggling to maintain his sense of self. Ironically, his drive to purge his past and family from metaphorical existence is in total contradiction to his obsession with emulating his grandfather. He is confused about where he stands regarding his heritage versus his deep desire to rule the galaxy on his own merits.

Qui-Gon Jinn Accidentally Predicted Exactly Why Anakin Would Fall to the Dark Side
Despite being the reason Anakin Skywalker became a Jedi to begin with, Star Wars' Qui-Gon Jinn predicted what would cause his dark side corruption.
Conversely, Anakin could never let go of his mother. He could not ignore his feelings for Padme, leading to their secret marriage and children. The Clone Wars established Anakin’s close relationship with his padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and elaborated on the solidarity between Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin found family in his Clone Troopers and cared deeply for their survival during battle. Anakin’s past is a story of a man who loved so deeply that it cost him everything.
Even when Anakin became Darth Vader, he did not let go of those attachments or his past. He did not obliterate everything that Anakin once held dear, though Vader claims to have done so. Again, as was the case with Anakin, Vader’s ability to care so very deeply eventually led to his downfall. If Kylo Ren truly understood who Anakin Skywalker was, he would know that it was Anakin’s ability to love deeply and hold true to his past and personal connections that ultimately led to his fall to the Dark Side - and so many iconic Star Wars moments.
Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Conceived by the will of the Force itself, Anakin Skywalker was the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring the Force into balance. Anakin struggled to balance competing attachments to the Jedi Order and his wife Padmé Amidala, and ultimately fell to the dark side, becoming Darth Vader. For years he served as Palpatine's right hand man, but he was ultimately redeemed by the faith of his son, Luke Skywalker. Now a Force Ghost, Anakin continues to act as an agent of balance.
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben was manipulated by Palpatine through the Force for most of his life, influenced toward the dark side of the Force. A misstep by Luke Skywalker ultimately left Ben feeling he had no choice but to embrace the dark side, and he became Kylo Ren, a key figure in the First Order. Kylo Ren's heart remained deeply divided, however, even after he ascended to become Supreme Leader of the First Order. He was ultimately redeemed by Rey, with whom he shared a remarkable Force bond, and by the love of his parents.
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