Reddit mods are fighting to keep AI slop off subreddits. They could use help.

Like it or not, generative AI is carving out its place in the world. And some Reddit users are definitely in the “don't like it" category. While some subreddits openly welcome AI-generated images, videos, and text, others have responded to the growing trend by banning most or all posts made with the technology.
To better understand the reasoning and obstacles associated with these bans, Ars Technica spoke with moderators of subreddits that totally or partially ban generative AI. Almost all these volunteers described moderating against generative AI as a time-consuming challenge they expect to get more difficult as time goes on. And most are hoping that Reddit will release a tool to help their efforts.
It's hard to know how much AI-generated content is actually on Reddit, and getting an estimate would be a large undertaking. Image library Freepik has analyzed the use of AI-generated content on social media but leaves Reddit out of its research because “it would take loads of time to manually comb through thousands of threads within the platform,” spokesperson Bella Valentini told me. For its part, Reddit doesn't publicly disclose how many Reddit posts involve generative AI use.
To be clear, we're not suggesting that Reddit has a large problem with generative AI use. By now, many subreddits seem to have agreed on their approach to AI-generated posts, and generative AI has not superseded the real, human voices that have made Reddit popular.
Still, mods largely agree that generative AI will likely get more popular on Reddit over the next few years, making generative AI modding increasingly important to both moderators and general users. Generative AI's rising popularity has also had implications for Reddit the company, which in 2024 started licensing Reddit posts to train the large language models (LLMs) powering generative AI.
(Note: All the moderators I spoke with for this story requested that I use their Reddit usernames instead of their real names due to privacy concerns.)
No generative AI allowed
When it comes to anti-generative AI rules, numerous subreddits have zero-tolerance policies, while others permit posts that use generative AI if it's combined with human elements or is executed very well. These rules task mods with identifying posts using generative AI and determining if they fit the criteria to be permitted on the subreddit.
Many subreddits have rules against posts made with generative AI because their mod teams or members consider such posts “low effort” or believe AI is counterintuitive to the subreddit’s mission of providing real human expertise and creations.
"At a basic level, generative AI removes the human element from the Internet; if we allowed it, then it would undermine the very point of r/AskHistorians, which is engagement with experts," the mods of r/AskHistorians told me in a collective statement.
The subreddit's goal is to provide historical information, and its mods think generative AI could make information shared on the subreddit less accurate. "[Generative AI] is likely to hallucinate facts, generate non-existent references, or otherwise provide misleading content," the mods said. "Someone getting answers from an LLM can’t respond to follow-ups because they aren’t an expert. We have built a reputation as a reliable source of historical information, and the use of [generative AI], especially without oversight, puts that at risk."
Similarly, Halaku, a mod of r/wheeloftime, told me that the subreddit's mods banned generative AI because “we focus on genuine discussion.” Halaku believes AI content can’t facilitate “organic, genuine discussion” and “can drown out actual artwork being done by actual artists.”
The r/lego subreddit banned AI-generated art because it caused confusion in online fan communities and retail stores selling Lego products, r/lego mod Mescad said. “People would see AI-generated art that looked like Lego on [I]nstagram or [F]acebook and then go into the store to ask to buy it,” they explained. “We decided that our community's dedication to authentic Lego products doesn't include AI-generated art.”
Not all of Reddit is against generative AI, of course. Subreddits dedicated to the technology exist, and some general subreddits permit the use of generative AI in some or all forms.
"When it comes to bans, I would rather focus on hate speech, Nazi salutes, and things that actually harm the subreddits," said 3rdusernameiveused, who moderates r/consoom and r/TeamBuilder25, which don't ban generative AI. "AI art does not do that... If I was going to ban [something] for 'moral' reasons, it probably won’t be AI art."
“Overwhelmingly low-effort slop”
Some generative AI bans are reflective of concerns that people are not being properly compensated for the content they create, which is then fed into LLM training.
Mod Mathgeek007 told me that r/DeadlockTheGame bans generative AI because its members consider it “a form of uncredited theft," adding:
You aren't allowed to sell/advertise the workers of others, and AI in a sense is using patterns derived from the work of others to create mockeries. I'd personally have less of an issue with it if the artists involved were credited and compensated—and there are some niche AI tools that do this.
Other moderators simply think generative AI reduces the quality of a subreddit's content.
"It often just doesn't look good... the art can often look subpar," Mathgeek007 said.
Similarly, r/videos bans most AI-generated content because, according to its announcement, the videos are “annoying” and “just bad video” 99 percent of the time. In an online interview, r/videos mod Abrownn told me:
It's overwhelmingly low-effort slop thrown together simply for views/ad revenue. The creators rarely care enough to put real effort into post-generation [or] editing of the content [and] rarely have coherent narratives [in] the videos, etc. It seems like they just throw the generated content into a video, export it, and call it a day.
An r/fakemon mod told me, “I can’t think of anything more low-effort in terms of art creation than just typing words and having it generated for you."
Some moderators say generative AI helps people spam unwanted content on a subreddit, including posts that are irrelevant to the subreddit and posts that attack users.
"[Generative AI] content is almost entirely posted for purely self promotional/monetary reasons, and we as mods on Reddit are constantly dealing with abusive users just spamming their content without regard for the rules," Abrownn said.
A moderator of the r/wallpaper subreddit, which permits generative AI, disagrees. The mod told me that generative AI "provides new routes for novel content" in the subreddit and questioned concerns about generative AI stealing from human artists or offering lower-quality work, saying those problems aren't unique to generative AI:
Even in our community, we observe human-generated content that is subjectively low quality (poor camera/[P]hotoshopping skills, low-resolution source material, intentional "shitposting"). It can be argued that AI-generated content amplifies this behavior, but our experience (which we haven't quantified) is that the rate of such behavior (whether human-generated or AI-generated content) has not changed much within our own community.
But we're not a very active community—[about] 13 posts per day ... so it very well could be a "frog in boiling water" situation.
Generative AI “wastes our time”
Many mods are confident in their ability to effectively identify posts that use generative AI. A bigger problem is how much time it takes to identify these posts and remove them.
The r/AskHistorians mods, for example, noted that all bans on the subreddit (including bans unrelated to AI) have “an appeals process,” and “making these assessments and reviewing AI appeals means we’re spending a considerable amount of time on something we didn’t have to worry about a few years ago.”
They added:
Frankly, the biggest challenge with [generative AI] usage is that it wastes our time. The time spent evaluating responses for AI use, responding to AI evangelists who try to flood our subreddit with inaccurate slop and then argue with us in modmail, [direct messages that message a subreddits’ mod team], and discussing edge cases could better be spent on other subreddit projects, like our podcast, newsletter, and AMAs, … providing feedback to users, or moderating input from users who intend to positively contribute to the community.
Several other mods I spoke with agree. Mathgeek007, for example, named "fighting AI bros" as a common obstacle. And for r/wheeloftime moderator Halaku, the biggest challenge in moderating against generative AI is “a generational one.”
“Some of the current generation don't have a problem with it being AI because content is content, and [they think] we're being elitist by arguing otherwise, and they want to argue about it,” they said.
A couple of mods noted that it’s less time-consuming to moderate subreddits that ban generative AI than it is to moderate those that allow posts using generative AI, depending on the context.
“On subreddits where we allowed AI, I often take a bit longer time to actually go into each post where I feel like... it’s been AI-generated to actually look at it and make a decision,” explained N3DSdude, a mod of several subreddits with rules against generative AI, including r/DeadlockTheGame.
MyarinTime, a moderator for r/lewdgames, which allows generative AI images, highlighted the challenges of identifying human-prompted generative AI content versus AI-generated content prompted by a bot:
When the AI bomb started, most of those bots started using AI content to work around our filters. Most of those bots started showing some random AI render, so it looks like you're actually talking about a game when you're not. There's no way to know when those posts are legit games unless [you check] them one by one. I honestly believe it would be easier if we kick any post with [AI-]generated image... instead of checking if a button was pressed by a human or not.
Mods expect things to get worse
Most mods told me it’s pretty easy for them to detect posts made with generative AI, pointing to the distinct tone and favored phrases of AI-generated text. A few said that AI-generated video is harder to spot but still detectable. But as generative AI gets more advanced, moderators are expecting their work to get harder.
In a joint statement, r/dune mods Blue_Three and Herbalhippie said, “AI used to have a problem making hands—i.e., too many fingers, etc.—but as time goes on, this is less and less of an issue.”
R/videos' Abrownn also wonders how easy it will be to detect AI-generated Reddit content “as AI tools advance and content becomes more lifelike.”
Mathgeek007 added:
AI is becoming tougher to spot and is being propagated at a larger rate. When AI style becomes normalized, it becomes tougher to fight. I expect generative AI to get significantly worse—until it becomes indistinguishable from ordinary art.
Moderators currently use various methods to fight generative AI, but they're not perfect. r/AskHistorians mods, for example, use “AI detectors, which are unreliable, problematic, and sometimes require paid subscriptions, as well as our own ability to detect AI through experience and expertise,” while N3DSdude pointed to tools like Quid and GPTZero.
To manage current and future work around blocking generative AI, most of the mods I spoke with said they’d like Reddit to release a proprietary tool to help them.
“I've yet to see a reliable tool that can detect AI-generated video content,” Aabrown said. “Even if we did have such a tool, we'd be putting hundreds of hours of content through the tool daily, which would get rather expensive rather quickly. And we're unpaid volunteer moderators, so we will be outgunned shortly when it comes to detecting this type of content at scale. We can only hope that Reddit will offer us a tool at some point in the near future that can help deal with this issue.”
A Reddit spokesperson told me that the company is evaluating what such a tool could look like. But Reddit doesn’t have a rule banning generative AI overall, and the spokesperson said the company doesn't want to release a tool that would hinder expression or creativity.
For now, Reddit seems content to rely on moderators to remove AI-generated content when appropriate. Reddit's spokesperson added:
Our moderation approach helps ensure that content on Reddit is curated by real humans. Moderators are quick to remove content that doesn't follow community rules, including harmful or irrelevant AI-generated content—we don't see this changing in the near future.
Making a generative AI Reddit tool wouldn’t be easy
Reddit is handling the evolving concerns around generative AI as it has handled other content issues, including by leveraging AI and machine learning tools. Reddit's spokesperson said that this includes testing tools that can identify AI-generated media, such as images of politicians.
But making a proprietary tool that allows moderators to detect AI-generated posts won't be easy, if it happens at all. The current tools for detecting generative AI are limited in their capabilities, and as generative AI advances, Reddit would need to provide tools that are more advanced than the AI-detecting tools that are currently available.
That would require a good deal of technical resources and would also likely present notable economic challenges for the social media platform, which only became profitable last year. And as noted by r/videos moderator Abrownn, tools for detecting AI-generated video still have a long way to go, making a Reddit-specific system especially challenging to create.
But even with a hypothetical Reddit tool, moderators would still have their work cut out for them. And because Reddit's popularity is largely due to its content from real humans, that work is important.
Since Reddit's inception, that has meant relying on moderators, which Reddit has said it intends to keep doing. As r/dune mods Blue_Three and herbalhippie put it, it’s in Reddit’s “best interest that much/most content remains organic in nature." After all, Reddit's profitability has a lot to do with how much AI companies are willing to pay to access Reddit data. That value would likely decline if Reddit posts became largely AI-generated themselves.
But providing the technology to ensure that generative AI isn't abused on Reddit would be a large challege. For now, volunteer laborers will continue to bear the brunt of generative AI moderation.
Advance Publications, which owns Ars Technica parent Condé Nast, is the largest shareholder of Reddit.
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