How to beat Balachko in Genshin Impact: all achievements guide

Balachko is a special Pyro Fatui Agent in the Natlan region of Genshin Impact. As a Local Legend, Balachko is a miniboss with greatly increased health and damage compared to most overworld enemies. Three achievements are associated with defeating this shady figure, so let’s get to work.
Where to find Local Legend Balachko
Balachko can be found near the People of the Springs, in the cave to the left of the Sanctum of Rainbow Spirits domain. There are a few tribal enemies in a camp. Defeat all the enemies to clear the way and unlock a Precious Chest. Balachko is behind a locked gate that requires two Keys to Somewhere to open.

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Where to find the Keys to Somewhere
The first Key to Somewhere can be found in a cage at the far end of the cave. The second Key is at the end of a rope dangling from the ceiling above the Precious Chest. You can climb on the chest or some nearby boxes to reach it or jump up with a tall character. Once you have both keys, activate the switch to open the gate. Balachko awaits in a small arena behind the gate.
Beating Local Legend Balachko: which clone is the real one?
Prepare to fight Balachko by bringing at least one Hydro character. You may also want to cook some food to grant yourself buffs. Local Legends are no joke; Balachko can down you in one hit if you’re not careful, and he has a massive health pool. Shielders like Zhongli and Diona can help prevent you from being one-shot. If you’re having trouble beating Balachko in your world, see if you can join someone else at a lower World Level. Since overworld enemies scale to the host’s World Level, you might have an easier time in co-op.
As a Pyro Fatui Agent, Balachko has a nasty habit of going invisible and summoning shadowlike clones of himself. Periodically, he will uncloak himself and attack you in tandem with his clones. Deal damage when you can, and wait for him to summon a ring of clones around himself. These clones will throw blades at you. Only the real Balachko throws a red Pyro blade. The clones throw white Physical blades. Look for the clone that launches a Pyro blade and hit it with Hydro attacks to break through Balachko’s disguise. Screenshot by Destructoid
Once you’ve broken Balachko’s shield, he’ll be stunned for a while and take increased damage. Take this opportunity to deal as much damage as possible. You’ll only have a few seconds – enough for one team rotation. After he recovers, repeat the previous steps to stun him again.
How to get all achievements for Local Legend Balachko
Genshin Impact features three achievements associated with Balachko. They must be done one at a time; you can’t do multiple in one fight. Once defeated, Balachko respawns daily, so these achievements will take a minimum of three days to complete. If you don’t want to wait for him to respawn, see if you can tackle him in another player’s world.
Balachko Achievement 1
Balachko Achievement 1 is simply to defeat him. Refer to the steps above and do whatever you need to do to win the fight.
Balachko Achievement 2
Balachko Achievement 2 requires you to destroy only the real Balachko during the ring-of-clones phase. Look for the clone that throws a Pyro-infused blade and hit it with Hydro attacks. Single-target Hydro appliers like Yelan or Xingqiu are helpful, since AoE attacks risk hitting other clones in the area. Hitting a clone once or twice is fine as long as they are not destroyed. After meeting this requirement, defeat Balachko to get the achievement.
Balachko Achievement 3
Balachko Achievement 3 requires you to destroy three fake clones during one phase. I recommend bringing multiple Hydro characters to apply as much Hydro as fast as you can. I got this achievement using Xingqiu and Kokomi. Look for the clones throwing white Physical blades and hit them with Hydro attacks as quickly as possible. You need to take down three clones during a single phase. After taking down three clones, focus on the real Balachko. You might need to wait for the next ring-of-clones phase, where you can just target the actual boss. Defeat him to get the achievement.
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